Home » Diorama in 2007

19 Dec 2007 22:35

15 August 2009 No Comment 1,124 vizualizări

Cateva instantanee, oarecum artizanate! Asta pentru ca am acordat putina atentie artistica !
Pacat insa ca resolutia telefonului nu permite detalii!
Ati fi remarcat faptul ca am montat panourile de avertizare si indicatoarele
pe majoritatea cladirilor industriale si feroviare si am definitivat supermarketul!

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

Rail Road Evolution on 19 december 2007

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